StoneCroft Cane Corso
Italian Mastiff
~ athletic mastiff ~ working molosser ~ personal guardian ~ family pet ~

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StoneCroft's Home Page
News, Funny Pictures, and Happy Owners are shared here.

pictures below are from StoneCroft's puppy buyers sent in during the later part of 2010
happy owners current page
happy owners 2011a
happy owners 2010a
happy owners 2010b

8/10  Vito sent in by Margi - Timber X Greta litter 2001

8/10  Kane sent in by Greg ( Kat & Deebo litter)

8/10 Lola & Marino sent in by Lisa

8-10  Gypsy sent in by Sheri

8/10  Keira sent in by Ginger & Jed

8-10  Nico sent in by Jason

9-10  Ugo sent in by Alison

9-10 Nico jumping off the dock sent in by Jason

9-10 Mieke sent in by Thomas

9-10 Ace sent in by Candace ( Jade X Deebo litter)

9-10 Jade (& Capone) sent in by Jason

9-10 Colonel sent in by Lisa & Russ

9-10 Gypsy sent in by Sheri

9-10 Luca sent in by Alex

9-10 Bella sent in by Lynn

9-10 Gypsy sent in by Sheri

9-10 Megatron sent in by Shawn (4 months- Jade X Deebo litter)

9-10 Leo sent in by Iris (Noegan X Lieto)

9-10 Snickers sent in my Jack (Tess X Scirocco)

10-10 Gypsy sent in by Sheri

10-10 Kendra sent in by Donald


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Misty Barker 


CenterCross, VA  22437


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All articles, photos, and information on the site are property of Misty Barker/StoneCroft Cane Corso
and cannot be copied, distributed or linked to any other website, newsletter or
other informational source without prior permission from Misty Barker.

©StoneCroft Cane Corso · 1996-2019 · All Rights Reserved