StoneCroft Cane Corso
Italian Mastiff
~ athletic mastiff ~ working molosser ~ personal guardian ~ family pet ~
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DiGuardia's Prince del Cerberus.  He is one of the ICCF Grand Champions. He is also championed with 4 other show circuits. Has produced many Champions and a Grand Champion.  He is one of the founding stud dogs in the USA.  He was imported by the the former owners of DiGuardia kennels from Cerberus Kennels in Italy.   Prince is  blue brindle, 26 1/2" tall at the shoulder, and 124 lbs.    He has a very muscular build and keeps it naturally.  His offspring usually inherit this too. His temperament is even and friendly.  He is fairly independent, a quick learner,  and quite the problem solver.

 His hips were evaluated by  OFA and PennHIP.  He is certified free of hip dysplasia.  His elbows were later evaluated and also determined to be normal. 

Prince lived to be 12 & 1/2 years old.  He died naturally of old age. 



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Pictures below were taken after turning 9 years old.

Prince at 10 & 1/2 years old

Prince at 10 & 1/2 years old

Misty Barker 


CenterCross, VA  22437


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